Since its establishment, one of the main objectives of Bedër University College has been internationalization and the creation of close cooperation with universities both in the region and beyond. Within a short period, the University has managed to develop close relationships with other universities through exchange programs, conference organization, research projects, etc.
Being a bilingual University in Albanian and English has contributed to fostering cultural diversity, as our students come from 15 different countries and faculty members are from 6 different countries.
Expansion and strengthening of Bedër University College’s international relations
Development of international contacts and signing new agreements for exchange and cooperation with foreign universities and higher education institutions
Organization of international student exchanges Encouragement of international mobility for students and staff
Support for the needs and requests of students and staff coming from or going abroad
Organization of seminars, conferences, and meetings on educational programs and scientific research and funding opportunities
The Fulbright Program was established in 1946 under legislation introduced by former Senator J. William Fulbright of Arkansas. The Fulbright Program is sponsored by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State.
The Mevlana Exchange Program is an initiative aiming at the exchange of students and academic staff between Turkish higher education institutions and higher education institutions of other countries. You can learn more from their website.
What types of studies are offered at Bedër University College?
Bedër University College offers studies in social sciences.
Can I study in English at Bedër University College?
Yes, you can. There are many programs and courses offered in English.
Is knowledge of Albanian necessary to study at Bedër University College?
Albanian is the primary language of instruction at Bedër University College, but it is not the only one. The offering of programs and courses in foreign languages is expanding every year. Therefore, you can find diploma programs and non-diploma courses to study even if you do not speak Albanian.
Who can apply to study at Bedër University College?
Admission requirements depend on the study program you choose. For diploma study requirements, please contact the Admissions Office.
When does the academic year start at Bedër University College?
The academic year is divided into two semesters – fall (October-January) and spring (February-June), each followed by an exam period and then winter and summer breaks. For the exact dates of classes and breaks in the current and/or upcoming academic year, please refer to the calendar.
If you are interested in studying at Bedër University College, you will find information for students of diploma programs, exchange programs, and visitors on this page. All programs and courses listed here are offered in both English and Albanian. You can also find instructions on how to apply and information on practical matters. For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.