The Rectorate of Bedër University College is an executive collegiate body.
The Rectorate is composed of:
The Rector
The Vice Rector
The Deans of the Faculties
The College Administrator
Dean of Students
Drafts the strategic development plan of the College.
Drafts the annual activity program and monitors its implementation after approval by the Academic Senate.
Proposes criteria for the allocation of academic material and human resources.
Drafts and proposes the budget for approval by the Academic Senate.
Proposes plans for investments, contracts, and agreements within its competence.
Presents recommendations for projects related to study programs, scientific research, and necessary structural changes for their implementation.
Implements all decisions approved by the Academic Senate.
Monitors and publishes the results of the evaluation of Bedër University College’s activities.
Other functions of the Rectorate are determined by its regulations and the institution’s other regulations.
The Rectorate meets regularly, at least once every two weeks. In necessary cases, the Rectorate may convene at any time, provided there is sufficient time to review materials related to the issues for discussion.
A meeting is considered valid if more than half of its members are present.
The meeting cannot take place and must be postponed if, even though the required number of members is present, the member directly related to the issue to be decided is absent.
As a rule, the Rectorate makes decisions unanimously. When this is not possible, decisions are made by a majority of the votes of the members present at the meeting. In cases where a majority cannot be reached, the Rector’s vote is decisive.
The minutes kept during the Rectorate meeting serve as the fundamental document for reflecting the decisions made.
Decisions made by the Rectorate are formalized in the form of orders issued by the Rector of Bedër University College.