The Academic Senate is the decision-making collegiate body of Bedër University College, responsible for setting the institution's development policies, programming, coordinating, directing, and overseeing teaching and research activities, and evaluating their effectiveness. The Academic Senate is chaired by the rector and meets periodically according to the regulations governing the organization and functioning of the Senate.
The main functions of the Academic Senate are:
Guaranteeing the institution's autonomy, academic freedom, and students' rights.
Proposing the Strategic Development Plan of the Institution to the Board of Administration and approving its annual activity program.
Approving the institution's Statute, following the preliminary approval of the Board of Administration. The approved Statute is then sent to the ministry responsible for education for final approval by the minister.
Electing the rector of the College.
Approving the academic structure of the institution according to legal requirements, after receiving preliminary approval from the Board of Administration.
Approving the institution’s regulations, the regulations of its constituent units, study program regulations, and other regulations and acts within the Senate’s competence.
Approving new study programs, scientific research programs, changes to these programs, and their closure. New programs are approved if supported by the institution's annual budget.
Proposing the closure, reorganization, or merging of the institution with another higher education institution after consulting with the Board of Administration.
Approving the opening, reorganization, or closure of main or basic units based on proposals from the main and basic units, with preliminary evaluation from the Board of Administration.
Appointing the Chair of the Ethics Committee and its members.
Approving changes to the institution's name or emblem according to applicable legal and sub-legal acts.
Approving the annual plan of academic and research activities.
Approving the detailed annual report of the institution's activities, prepared by the Rectorate, and sending it to the ministry responsible for education.
Evaluating and ensuring internal quality assurance within the institution. The members of this unit are approved by the Senate, upon the rector’s proposal.
Organizing an annual joint meeting of the Academic Senate with the Board of Administration to discuss teaching, research, and financial and administrative activities of the institution.