The ICHL Conference addresses and analyzes legal, media, educational, and social issues and challenges in the context of recent global developments. It provides a platform for discussions and idea exchanges on the impact of law, media, and education on society, as well as ways to improve these fields to promote sustainable development and intercultural cooperation.
This conference aims to gather leading academics, researchers, journalists, communication and media experts, and information professionals to share their experiences and research findings on issues of misinformation. It also provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers to present and discuss concerns and challenges encountered, along with solutions applied to address misinformation.
This conference examines changes and challenges in "Religious Education" in Europe. It includes discussions on how European countries address religious pluralism in their education systems, different approaches to teaching religions, and the importance of cultural context. It addresses the dilemma of whether teachers should teach religion and discusses the link between religious engagement and subjective well-being. Additionally, it explores the history of Islamic education in the Balkans and madrasas, changes in religious education post-communism, the development of Islamic science institutions in Europe, and the contribution of interfaith education to peace and coexistence.
The Faculty of Technology and Business at Beder University College is the organizer of the 1st International Conference on Innovation in Business and Technology (ICIBT 2022), held on June 10, 2022. Innovation is a key driver of progress in fields like business, education, technology, and medicine, often contributing to GDP growth in developed economies. It involves not just creating new products, but also discovering better ways of doing things and adapting business models to changing markets. For companies, innovation is essential for staying competitive, accessing new markets, and addressing global challenges, while also preventing economic decline and driving transformation.
ICESS 2022, The 8th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences with the topic "New Perspectives in Education and Social Sciences" will be held on 20 May 2022 in Tirana, Albania. The International Conference on Education and Social Sciences is an Interdisciplinary Conference which aims to bring together scholars, researchers and graduate students to exchange and share their experiences and research work and discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the field of Education and Social Sciences.
The main goal of the ICESS 2022, 8th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences is to provide an opportunity for academicians and professionals to come together and learn from each-other as well as provide a place to meet and interact with members inside and outside their own particular disciplines.